Running Transactions

This section explains how to use the AGMS Code Library's Transaction Class to run transactions over the Transaction API.

Transaction Class Quick Example

 * A basic example of a sale transaction using the AGMS PHP Library

// Include the library

// Set up the API connection
$trans = new \AGMS\Transaction();
// Specify transaction parameters
$params = array(
    'transaction_type' => array('value' => 'sale'),
    'amount' => array('value' => '20.00'),
    'cc_number' => array('value' => '4111111111111111'),
    'cc_exp_date' => array('value' => '1220'),

// Execute the transaction using the defined parameters
$result = $trans->process($params);

 * A basic example of a sale transaction using the AGMS Ruby Library

// Include the library
require 'agms'

// Initialize the library configuration

// Set up the API connection
trans =

// Specify transaction parameters
params = {
    :transaction_type => { :value => 'sale'},
    :amount => { :value => '20.00'},
    :cc_number => { :value => '4111111111111111'},
    :cc_exp_date => { :value => '0520'},
    :cc_cvv => { :value => '123'}

// Execute the transaction using the defined parameters
result = trans.process(params)
 * A basic example of a sale transaction using the AGMS Python Library

// Include the library
import 'agms'

// Initialize the library configuration

// Set up the API connection
trans = agms.Transaction()

// Specify transaction parameters
params = {
    'transaction_type': {'value': 'sale'},
    'amount': {'value': '20.00'},
    'cc_number': {'value': '4111111111111111'},
    'cc_exp_date': {'value': '0520'},
    'cc_cvv': {'value': '123'}

// Execute the transaction using the defined parameters
result = trans.process(params)
#ucase("Coldfusion example here")#

Transaction Class: Constructor

// AGMS Transaction Class Constructor
public array \AGMS\Transaction::__construct ( [ string $username [, $password [, $accountnumber [, $apikey ] ] ] ] )
// AGMS Transaction Class Constructor
Transaction::initialise ( [ string username [, password [, accountnumber [, apikey ] ] ] ] )
// AGMS Transaction Class Constructor
Transaction.__init__( self, [ string username [, password [, accountnumber [, apikey, [client] ] ] ] ] )

The Transaction Class can be instantiated with no parameters, or you can explicitly set the gateway credentials you would like to be used for that transaction. If no credentials are provided, the default credentials configured in init.php will be used.

Transaction Class: process Method

// AGMS Transaction Class process() method
public array \AGMS\Transaction::process ( array $parameters )
// AGMS Transaction Class process() method
Transaction::process ( Hash parameters )
// AGMS Transaction Class process() method
Transaction.process ( dict parameters )

The AGMS Transaction object has a single method "process" which executes a single transaction according to the parameters set. The type of transaction (sale, refund, etc) is determined by the transaction_type parameter.

A full listing of the Request parameters is available in the Requests tab, and a full listing of Response parameters is available in the Responses tab.

The parameter array is a two dimensional array, with each field containing an array of its configuration values. For the purposes of the Transaction Class, each field will only have a "value" and no other options.

Request Fields

The following fields can be passed into the AGMS Transaction Class to process a transaction. For information on what fields are required for a specific transaction, review Transaction Types.

Basic Transaction Parameters

Parameter Value Description
transaction_type sale
safe only
Type of transaction to be processed.
payment_type creditcard
"creditcard" is assumed if no value provided.
processing_account_id Integer If multiple processing accounts are configured in the same gateway account, use this field to specify which account to use. If gateway is configured for only one processing account, this field is not required.
amount Decimal Amount to be processed, required for all sales and auths.
order_description String Order description, appears by default on gateway-generated receipts. Recommended for all sales and auths.
order_id String Can be used to tie transactions back to a record/transaction ID in your system.
tip_amount Decimal Required for all adjustment transactions. Any amount provided in this field is added to the "amount" value as part of the total charge to the customer.
tax_amount Decimal The amount of the transaction that was sales tax. The tax_amount is not added in to the total amount charged to the cardholder, this field is informational only and is also used for Level 2 and Level 3 processing qualifications.
shipping_amount Decimal The amount of the transaction that was shipping. The shipping_amount is not added in to the total amount charged to the cardholder, this field is informational only.
po_number String Can be used to track Customer PO numbers with the transaction, also used for Level 2 and Level 3 credit card processing qualifications.
ip_address String IP address of the customer submitting the transaction, highly recommended for ecommerce transactions.

Credit Card Transaction Parameters

Parameter Value Description
cc_number 15-16 Digit Number Required for all credit card sales and auths unless track data, encrypted data, or SAFE ID is being provided. No spaces or dashes.
cc_exp_date MMYY Required when sending cc_number.
cc_cvv 3-4 Digit Number Recommended when sending cc_number for added chargeback protection. NEVER store this number in your system, it is prohibited by PCI.
cc_track_1 String Track fields are used when sending unencrypted track data from a swiped transaction. This is highly discouraged in favor of using an encrypted swiper out of security and liability concerns.
cc_track_2 String Track fields are used when sending unencrypted track data from a swiped transaction. This is highly discouraged in favor of using an encrypted swiper out of security and liability concerns.
cc_track_3 String Track fields are used when sending unencrypted track data from a swiped transaction. This is highly discouraged in favor of using an encrypted swiper out of security and liability concerns.
cc_encrypted_data String Encrypted data string provided by an encrypted card reader when swiping a card. This is the officially recommended and supported method of processing swiped transactions. Requires a supported card reader injected with the proper encryption key, contact AGMS for details.
cc_encrypted_hardware MAGTEK
Required when sending cc_encrypted_data.

SAFE Transaction Parameters

Parameter Value Description
safe_action add_safe
Used to execute a SAFE action alongside the transaction or when running a "safe only" transaction. See the Features section regarding Customer SAFE for details.
safe_id Integer Required for update_safe or delete_safe to specify to which SAFE record to apply the action.

Customer Billing Parameters

Customer's information as it appears on their method of payment.

Parameter Value Description
first_name String Required for all sales and auths.
last_name String Required for all sales and auths.
company_name String Recommended for all corporate sales and auths.
address String
address_2 String
city String
state String
zip String
country String
phone String
fax String
email String Automatic customer email receipts will be sent to this address, if you have them enabled.
website String

Customer Shipping Parameters

Information for the individual that the product is being shipped to or where the services are being provided. These fields are optional.

Parameter Value Description
shipping_first_name String
shipping_last_name String
shipping_company_name String
shipping_address String
shipping_address_2 String
shipping_city String
shipping_state String
shipping_zip String
shipping_country String
shipping_email String
shipping_phone String
shipping_fax String
shipping_tracking_number String
shipping_carrier String

Custom Parameters

Custom fields are fields that can be used by you to store any additional parameters that you need. Custom fields can be custom labeled in the gateway settings, so instead of "Custom Field 1" it could display as "Shirt Size". The parameter names below are the default generic values, however you can also define custom field aliases, such as "shirt_size" in place of "custom_field_1" in the init.php configuration.

Parameter Value Description
custom_field_1 String
custom_field_2 String
custom_field_3 String
custom_field_4 String
custom_field_5 String
custom_field_6 String
custom_field_7 String
custom_field_8 String
custom_field_9 String
custom_field_10 String

Response Fields

The following fields are returned in an array by the AGMS Transaction Class after executing a transaction using the process method.

Key Value Description
response_code Integer 1 = APPROVAL
response_message String Text description of the response_code.
transaction_id Integer A unique ID generated by the gateway for this transaction. This should be stored in your system along with your local transaction record for future reconciliation with gateway records.
authorization_code Integer Transaction authorization code as provided by the processor.
avs_result String Y, D, or M = Exact 5 character numeric zip match
A or B = Address (street number) match only
W = 9 character numeric zip match only
Z, P, or L = 5 character numeric zip match only
N or C = No address or zip match
U = Address unavailable
G or I = Non-U.S. issuer does not participate in AVS program
R = Issuer system unavailable
E = Not a mail/phone/ecommerce order
S = AVS service not supported
0, O, or B = AVS not available
avs_message String Text description of the avs_message.
cvv_result String M = CVV2/CVC2 Match
N = CVV2/CVC2 No Match
P = Not Processed
S = Merchant has indicated that CVV2/CVC2 is not present on card
U = Issuer is not certified and/or has not provided Visa encryption keys.
cvv_message String Text description of the cvv_message.
order_id Integer The Order ID provided in your transaction request.
safe_id Integer If safe_action was used, a safe_id is returned.
full_response String Full response from live processing host (development purposes).
post_string String Raw poststring sent to live processing host (development purposes).
gift_balance Decimal Not used, reserved for gift card transactions.
gift_response String Not used, reserved for gift card transactions.
merchant_id Integer The ID for your AGMS Gateway account.
customer_message String Internal use only.
rrn String Internal use only.

Frequently Asked Questions